January 20, 2011

Is raw food the secret fountain to health and youth?

I was never really interested in Hollywood's anti-aging secrets. Most of them fake anyhow ;-) But isn't it amazing, that a lot of people like you and me who start eating a raw food diet not only lose weight and look great but also regain their health and seem to reverse in age? It's so inspiring to learn about and from other raw food stylists.

A few weeks ago I met Lou Corona, a Holistic Health Educator in Orange County. He has been living a 'clean, serene, and energetic lifestyle' for 38 years! I couldn't believe he's 59. Eating 'rabbit food' is definitely not a 'women's thing' only, guys!

And today I found this interview with Mimi Kirk by Woman Go Raw: She's 2009 "Sexiest Vegetarian over 50",
a contest created by PETA. She was the oldest one in the contest at 71(!) and attributes her youthful looks and vitality to her raw vegan lifestyle, although she's has been a vegetarian since her 30s.

Wow, I want to feel and look like that in my 70s! She seems like a total sweetheart, and when I was watching some of her videos I wanted to have her over for dinner some day. I love what she said in one of her interviews: "I always have a smile on my face which makes my wrinkles look pleasant."

Let's try to smile through your day!

Elis :-*

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